
Lascoux Cave Paintings & how it relates to the people

  1a) These cave paintings depicted major aspects of their lives. Their paintings primarily consisted of animals, which were a main source of food for them and it was who those humans shared their habitat with. Some of these animals may have also held religious significance in rituals or prayers, so painting them could have been a way of expressing their religion. 1b) The humans knew themselves and their community but were surrounded by countless species of animals that the humans had no way of communicating with. They shared the land as their home, but there was no significant connection between the animals and humans other than that. The paintings of the animals could have been a way for the humans to feel on the same level as the animals, as the animals now watched over them as they slept and life progressed.  1c) These cave paintings showed how their social structure worked, as the thousands of paintings across the cave were likely created by nearly every person in the community. T

Yanamomo culture and the unokaimou ceremony

1) Unlike most cultures, the Yanomomo do not have formal laws or written language, so their culture’s response to murder will be very different. Murders often happen because of sexual issues or disagreements and in response, raids often happened as a way of avenging dead relatives or tribe members. If someone is on a raid or murdered another person, they need to go through the unokaimou ceremony to cleanse their spirit and ensure they will not receive any punishment in their afterlife. While the Yanomamo people do not encourage their tribe members to go around killing other members constantly, those who have unokaid are not imprisoned or shunned from society. The average person who has unokaid has more children than someone who has not unokaid, so it can be understood that being a murderer is not a bad trait in this society and it is often sexually desirable. 2) Revenge killings are very common among the Yanomamo. While they seem risky to do as other tribes often are many days of walki

Verbal vs. nonverbal communication and how it impacts a conversation

  Part 1: 1) Instead of asking open-ended questions, our conversations were focused on yes/no answers. However, I began to notice how much he used nonverbal communication while talking. He relied on hand gestures and shrugs, which aided in my comprehension of his questions. He said that the conversation was quite bland for him, as I wasn’t able to express my opinion on topics and it more felt like he was talking at me. 2) He had most of the power in the conversation since he could change the topic, ask questions, and describe his thoughts in detail. While I was still part of the conversation, it felt like I was a participant and not a leader. 3) Within their population, the person able to speak would have the advantage of communicating complex ideas. Since everyone understands one language in that population, it is easy to use words to describe certain topics or concepts that would be difficult using non-verbal forms of communication. The culture who has symbolic language may feel that

How do the Zulu & Andean people adapt to their environment?

  Zulu People The Zulus live in the grasslands of South Africa, where daily temperatures range between 20-30 degrees Celsius (approximately 68-86 degrees Fahrenheit). The winters are mild, so the temperature does not fluctuate as much as it would in most regions over a year. Yearly, they only receive around 4.2” of rain, which is quite low compared to most regions. Due to the low rain and high average temperatures, it is sunny for most days, which poses the risk of sunburn, radiation poisoning, and heat stroke to the Zulu people.  The Zulu people have evolved to have dark skin in response to the constant sunlight they receive. By having more melanin in their skin, they can better withstand sunlight without burning or having long-term health effects. In addition to their physical adaptation to the sunlight, the Zulu people also wear very lightweight, minimal clothing. While it may be beneficial for someone in a cold climate to wear heavy clothing that covers their entire body, doing so

Describing the Nacirema

What are 5 words that can be used to describe the Nacirema and why was each word selected? Unique “In this light, the magical beliefs and practices of the Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to which human behavior can go.” The Nacirema customs are unique, but arguably so are the customs of any group of people across the world. Their customs seem foreign or unusual from my outside perspective, which is to be expected and doesn’t cause me to judge them, rather it accentuates the differences between my life and theirs.  Hierarchical   “The medicine men have an imposing temple, or latipso, in every community of any size.” Many of their customs seem to revolve around a specific person or group of people who hold some power above others or knowledge that others don’t. This is not that different from our society, since many government positions have inherently more power than the average citizen and jobs that r